Thursday, January 20, 2011

How to Create Flower Shop Displays


1. Show several different displays in your store and include different flowers in each one. Include different varieties of one flower in a display; surround tall calla lilies with Easter or tiger lilies to create a contrast in color and shape. Using different flowers in each display will show off your shop's variety for customers to choose from.
2. Display flowers throughout the shop. Big, beautiful displays in the shop's front windows will attract attention and bring customers in, but you'll want them to stay and check out the whole shop. Place flower displays from the front of the store all the way to the back, strategically placing them near popular flowers or items to draw the customer's eye.

3. Keep it simple. Don't include too many different flowers in a display. Stick to three to five different flower varieties per display. This will show off the flowers without overwhelming or cluttering the display. If you're going to use three types of roses or lilies, add a little baby's breath and leave it alone.
4. Create displays for every occasion. Flowers are given for lots of reasons, so reflect that with your flower shop displays. In addition to simple, "just-because" displays, create special displays featuring arrangements for birthdays, engagements, graduations and holidays.
5. Remember the wedding. Weddings are some of the biggest flower-buying occasions, so make sure that some of your flower shop displays feature wedding themes. Put together a selection of sample corsages and boutonnieres so that customers can see the different options available. It's also a good idea to have pictures of past bridal arrangements your shop has done, or replicate some of them as displays in your store so customers can see your expertise.

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